Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Free Samples

Well, we were slightly more successful for this taste testing than for our last but it still wasn't a great turnout. I don't know why we just don't have great luck at this particular grocery store. All our other sites have great turnouts and we usually run out of food. No such luck tonight. I can't blame the store because it's a beautiful grocery store that is well stocked and staffed with overly friendly people. I guess their clientele just don't care for free food. :)

My co-worker Kat and I prepped and served two watermelon recipes. Recipes are here!

The first was Watermelon Agua Fresca. So easy!

  • 100 % Cranberry Juice
  • Lime juice
  • Cubed and chilled watermelon.
Tossed into a blender and served cold.

One of the great things about both of these recipes is that the ratios do not have to be exact. You can make it exactly how your taste buds like it best!

Add more cranberry or less lime, more watermelon but less blended, etc. The options are limitless!

The second was a watermelon salsa. Another super easy recipe!
  • 6 cups of seedless watermelon cubed
  • 1 medium onion chopped
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 chopped jalapeno pepper
  • fresh cilantro, chopped (about 4 Tbsp)
  • 4 Tbsp of lime
Chop it all up and toss it in a bowl.

As a last ingredient we added a sprinkling of salt which really brought out the flavors I thought. Ever had salt on watermelon? It's pretty much the same theory: yummy goodness

I forgot to take pictures of our samples until it was nearly too late and we were in a hurry to clean up and get back to the office. So the pictures are pretty yucky colored. Sorry!

It was a very strange feeling shopping the produce section with a bowl and then slicing into everything right then and there in the middle of the store. :) Kind of fun though! Usually they kick you out for that kind of thing.

We set up our little table at the entrance to the produce section since our main goal is to promote fresh produce purchase and consumption. And yet, people still turned down free samples! Crazy! I LOVE samples in stores. Am I just weird? Are most people leery of free food handouts? Enlighten me!

I brought home the leftover watermelon and I plan on using in my own agua fresca mañana!

I decided to plan out 2 of my 3 meals for tomorrow to cut out the time I spend standing in front of the pantry/fridge trying to put something together in my head. We'll see if I can stick to the plan. 

I'm trying out a new thing for breakfast... kind of excited. =D


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