Monday, September 24, 2012

Short Weekend, Long Week

Here's a very quick recap of my weekend...

Yup! That was pretty much it.

I finally forced myself to seriously start studying for my exam. Since I do my best studying away from the house, my bed and my desk, I packed up my studying essentials and headed to Panera. 
I was pleased with my progress. Now I just have to keep it up. 

For some odd reason I have been craving french toast for over a week. I'm not even a french toast fan. In fact I would say I dislike it very much but... it was stuck in my head so it ended up on my plate. 

I topped it with some fresh berries, whipped cream and a little drizzle of syrup. It was good but not great. Like I said, I'm just not a fan. Oh well, it is no longer drifting through my random food thoughts. 

On Saturday I met up with a good friend that I haven't seen in a while. Her little boy is 13 months now and I am still attempting to grasp the concept of her as a mom. Life goes so fast. I finally got his birthday present to him (1 month late). We went on a nice stroll (with stroller) and stopped at a park to play for a few minutes before heading for brunch at a nearby diner.

It was a relatively productive weekend but I have been dreading this week. It's my first week alone on trayline and I'm extremely apprehensive. It's not a hard job but it's very intimidating and intense. Today was the first of 4 days working that position and it was a tough one. (More on that tomorrow) I'm also training a University student tomorrow which seems very odd considering I've been there less than 2 months and I'm still technically being trained. Now, I really have to hit the hay, I'm exhausted from today, tomorrow is an early start and I have not been sleeping well at all. =/ 

Have a good night all! 

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